This document details the requirements for merchants that will integrate Garanti BBVA Fraud Module.
In addition to the information in the document, information such as endpoints used, request/response field names and types, error codes can be accessed via the link below and a sample post request can be sent.
Title | Value |
MerchantId | 7000679 |
Password | 123qweASD/ |
MerchantId | 3424113 |
Password | 123qweASD/ |
Garanti Bank Security Platform Technical Integration Document
The fully authorized user determines the password to be used when creating the encoded hash value during messaging between the workplace system and Atalante services by entering the relevant values in the "Password" input fields on the screen.
This value is kept in the system by default when the fully authorized user first accesses the Fraud Module.
The user enters the password he/she has set in the "Password", "Password Repeat" fields and writes the values in the captcha on the screen in the relevant field and presses the SAVE button and the password is reset.
Merchants who will use Garanti Bank Fraud Module can add the following code snippet to the payment page of the relevant online shopping site, allowing the PageLoad service to be called, the behavioural data of the customer to be collected and the device id information to be detected.
The relevant code snippet is given below.
There are configurable fields in the "options" content in the code snippet. These fields and their descriptions that the relevant workplace should configure are as follows.
Data Field | Description |
cardNameId | İşyeri, kart sahibinin ad-soyad bilgisinin girildiği alanın doldurulma süresinin ölçülmesini isterse, bu alana ilgili html textbox alanının id’si konulmalıdır. |
cardNumberId | If the workplace wants to measure the typing time of the field where the card number information is entered, the id of the related html textbox field should be placed in this field. If the card number is taken with 4 separate textboxes, the field ids can be written by separating them with commas. For example; 'id1,id2,id3,id4'. |
merchantNum | Merchant number |
to | The PageLoad process ends in 2 seconds on average. The workplace can update this field for control purposes by adding the time they want the PageLoad process to be terminated. |
callback | If information about the end of the pageload process is required and the corresponding uniqueId value generated after the end of the pageload process should be collected, the javascript callback method (callbackOOS) can be defined with the uniqueId parameter as in the example code snippet. |
When the payment button is pressed, the behavioural information expected to be sent in the score query step must first be received on the frontend with the getBResults javascript method at the time of pressing the button, and then sent in the field named "data" in the score query request
The fields to be sent in the score query request will be detailed in the Score Query Process document.
Below are links to custom code examples written in various programming languages. You can examine the codes written with predetermined values in detail through the link of your preferred programming language.
These examples contain the codes containing the relevant operation type and since they are written in different languages, you can also observe various approaches and practices. In this way, you can find the opportunity to work with better understandable and original examples of your preferred programming language.
Click for C# Code Examples.
Click for VB.Net Code Examples.
Click for Java Code Examples..
Click here for PHP Code Examples.
Please note that these examples are written with predefined values and you may need to take necessary adaptation and security measures for use in real projects.
You can access the list of country codes from this page..
You can access the list of province codes from this page.
You can access the list of district codes from this page.
You can access the list of product category codes from this page.
You can access the list of transaction type values from this page.
You can find the list of test cards on this page.
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