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Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked between 7 and 9 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, pre-authorization closing process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked between 7 and 9 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, pre-authorization closing process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked between 7 and 9 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, pre-authorization closing process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked between 7 and 9 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, pre-authorization closing process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
It is the realization of the fixed amount sales transaction at regular intervals and going to the authorization.
It is the realization of the fixed amount sales transaction at regular intervals and going to the authorization.
It is the realization of the fixed amount sales transaction at regular intervals and going to the authorization.
It is the realization of the fixed amount sales transaction at regular intervals and going to the authorization.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
The Distribution Card is a card payment system that regulates the cash and document flow that occurs in the sales made by companies to their customers and allows term shopping.
The Distribution Card is a card payment system that regulates the cash and document flow that occurs in the sales made by companies to their customers and allows term shopping.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked for 15 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, the pre-authorization process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
Preauth - Preauthorization process ensures that the amount to be taken from the card is blocked for 15 days by blocking an amount on the card. In this way, it is guaranteed that the card will not receive a limit error when the authorization is closed. During this period, the pre-authorization process must be performed in order for the amount to be recognized.
At the end of the pre-authorization blocking period, the amount block on the card is removed. In the pre-authorization closing requests sent after the end of this period, the transaction result is returned according to whether the card has a limit or not.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
It is the transaction type that allows you to make a purchase with bonus.
Total transaction amount is sent in the Amount field. In UsedAmount field, the bonus rate to be used is sent. Debit is passed to the card side as much as amount - usedbonus amount. Used bonus is deducted from card bonuses.
Bonus utilization is reflected in the workplace accounting the next day regardless of the workplace working conditions.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
Sales transaction is realized at regular intervals and goes to authorization.
The Distribution Card is a card payment system that regulates the cash and document flow that occurs in the sales made by companies to their customers and allows for term shopping.
The Distribution Card is a card payment system that regulates the cash and document flow that occurs in the sales made by companies to their customers and allows for term shopping.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
In this system, the transaction amount is reflected to the merchant side in TL. The card side is reflected with the selected exchange rate. In this way, the cardholder clearly knows the amount to be reflected on the statement.
For this transaction, the merchant and the bank side earn commission.
Before the DCC transaction, DCC query is performed to obtain the supported exchange rates and exchange rate values. These values are reflected on the screen and the customer is asked to select one of the TL or incoming exchange rate values.
The transaction is realized at the selected exchange rate.
DCC (dynamic currency conversion) is a system that ensures that the amount to be reflected on the card side in transactions made to foreign bank cards is made at the exchange rate of the card.
In this system, the transaction amount is reflected to the merchant side in TL. The card side is reflected with the selected exchange rate. In this way, the cardholder clearly knows the amount to be reflected on the statement.
For this transaction, the merchant and the bank side earn commission.
Before the DCC transaction, DCC query is performed to obtain the supported exchange rates and exchange rate values. These values are reflected on the screen and the customer is asked to select one of the TL or incoming exchange rate values.
The transaction is realized at the selected exchange rate.
This is the type of transaction that enables installment purchases.
This is the type of transaction that enables installment purchases.
Cancellation is an action taken to make a transaction invalid during the day. bTransactions can be canceled on the same day. If the transaction needs to be canceled for the following days, the transaction to be made is a refund.
There is no reversal of a cancel transaction. For this reason, if a cancellation is made by mistake, then the canceled transaction must be made again.
Cancellations do not create a trace on the card. They do not appear on card statements or in-period transactions.
Cancellation is an action taken to make a transaction invalid during the day. bTransactions can be canceled on the same day. If the transaction needs to be canceled for the following days, the transaction to be made is a refund.
There is no reversal of a cancel transaction. For this reason, if a cancellation is made by mistake, then the canceled transaction must be made again.
Cancellations do not create a trace on the card. They do not appear on card statements or in-period transactions.
Partial Cancellation is an action taken to invalidate a part of a transaction during the day. It can only be done in pre-authorization transactions.
Partial Cancellation is an action taken to invalidate a part of a transaction during the day. It can only be done in pre-authorization transactions.
A partial refund is a transaction in which a part of the amount is refunded back to the card on the same day or in the following days.
In partial refund transactions, bonuses are refunded first. When there are no more bonuses to be refunded, the amount used is refunded.
A partial refund is a transaction in which a part of the amount is refunded back to the card on the same day or in the following days.
In partial refund transactions, bonuses are refunded first. When there are no more bonuses to be refunded, the amount used is refunded.
Refund is an operation to reflect a transaction back to the card in full for the following days.
Refund transactions appear as a negative (-) transaction in card statements or in-period transactions.
Therefore, in the refund of a transaction, the sales transaction and the refund transaction appear as two separate items on the card.
Refund is an operation to reflect a transaction back to the card in full for the following days.
Refund transactions appear as a negative (-) transaction in card statements or in-period transactions.
Therefore, in the refund of a transaction, the sales transaction and the refund transaction appear as two separate items on the card.
It is the process for closing the transaction for which pre-authorization is received. Closing transaction is the transaction that ensures the accounting of the amount blocked on the card. The settlement amount can be greater or less than the pre-authorization amount. According to the workplace parameters, a certain margin is allowed by the guarantee. For settlements outside this margin, 13 invalid amount error is received. The authorization on the card is deducted after 15 days. For settlements made after this period, if the card limit is available, the settlement transaction can be made. Otherwise, the transaction will receive an insufficient limit error.
It is the process for closing the transaction for which pre-authorization is received. Closing transaction is the transaction that ensures the accounting of the amount blocked on the card. The settlement amount can be greater or less than the pre-authorization amount. According to the workplace parameters, a certain margin is allowed by the guarantee. For settlements outside this margin, 13 invalid amount error is received. The authorization on the card is deducted after 15 days. For settlements made after this period, if the card limit is available, the settlement transaction can be made. Otherwise, the transaction will receive an insufficient limit error.
This is the transaction type used to retrieve the bonus information on the card. The last two digits of the bonus amount returned in the reply message will be considered as kuruş. Bonus inquiry can only be made for Garanti cards and cards under the Bonus brand.
This is the transaction type used to retrieve the bonus information on the card. The last two digits of the bonus amount returned in the reply message will be considered as kuruş. Bonus inquiry can only be made for Garanti cards and cards under the Bonus brand.
This is the transaction type in which the transactions of a specific order are queried.
This is the transaction type in which the transactions of a specific order are queried.
It is the type of request that receives information about a specific transaction.
It is the type of request that receives information about a specific transaction.
It is the transaction type that shows the details of the transactions between the two dates entered.
It is the transaction type that shows the details of the transactions between the two dates entered.
Address information can be sent to VirtualPoS during the transaction. The information sent is displayed on the order detail pages for information purposes.
Address information can be sent to VirtualPoS during the transaction. The information sent is displayed on the order detail pages for information purposes.
Address information can be sent to VirtualPoS during the transaction. The information sent is displayed on the order detail pages for information purposes.
Address information can be sent to VirtualPoS during the transaction. The information sent is displayed on the order detail pages for information purposes.
It is a structure that allows some special information to be received during the transaction to appear on virtual pos screens and documents received from virtual mail.
The 1st special field among the special fields is sent to Garanti Bank. This field is shown in the reports received by the bank.
With the change made in the workplace definitions, it can be ensured that the values sent in this field appear in the card in-period transactions and card statements in the workplace name field.
For the use of custom fields, the workplace admin user must activate the custom fields to be used from the custom field definitions. Custom fields sent non being activated will cause an error. If you want the special field numbered 1 to go to the bank side, the phrase "appear on the bank side" should be checked.
It is a structure that allows some special information to be received during the transaction to appear on virtual pos screens and documents received from virtual mail.
The 1st special field among the special fields is sent to Garanti Bank. This field is shown in the reports received by the bank.
With the change made in the workplace definitions, it can be ensured that the values sent in this field appear in the card in-period transactions and card statements in the workplace name field.
For the use of custom fields, the workplace admin user must activate the custom fields to be used from the custom field definitions. Custom fields sent non being activated will cause an error. If you want the special field numbered 1 to go to the bank side, the phrase "appear on the bank side" should be checked.
It is a structure that allows some special information to be received during the transaction to appear on virtual pos screens and documents received from virtual mail.
The 1st special field among the special fields is sent to Garanti Bank. This field is shown in the reports received by the bank.
With the change made in the workplace definitions, it can be ensured that the values sent in this field appear in the card in-period transactions and card statements in the workplace name field.
For the use of custom fields, the workplace admin user must activate the custom fields to be used from the custom field definitions. Custom fields sent non being activated will cause an error. If you want the special field numbered 1 to go to the bank side, the phrase "appear on the bank side" should be checked.
It is a structure that allows some special information to be received during the transaction to appear on virtual pos screens and documents received from virtual mail.
The 1st special field among the special fields is sent to Garanti Bank. This field is shown in the reports received by the bank.
With the change made in the workplace definitions, it can be ensured that the values sent in this field appear in the card in-period transactions and card statements in the workplace name field.
For the use of custom fields, the workplace admin user must activate the custom fields to be used from the custom field definitions. Custom fields sent non being activated will cause an error. If you want the special field numbered 1 to go to the bank side, the phrase "appear on the bank side" should be checked.
Information about the product sold during the purchase can be sent to the virtual pos with the transaction. In this case, product information is displayed in transaction details and product report pages.
Information about the product sold during the purchase can be sent to the virtual pos with the transaction. In this case, product information is displayed in transaction details and product report pages.
Information about the product sold during the purchase can be sent to the virtual pos with the transaction. In this case, product information is displayed in transaction details and product report pages.
Information about the product sold during the purchase can be sent to the virtual pos with the transaction. In this case, product information is displayed in transaction details and product report pages.
OpenCart is free open source e-commerce platform for online merchants. Opencart v3.x.x Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.
OpenCart is free open source e-commerce platform for online merchants. Opencart v3.x.x Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.
WordPress is a free, open source website creation platform. WordPress v4 Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.
WordPress is a free, open source website creation platform. WordPress v4 Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.
PrestaShop is a free open source eCommerce solution. PrestaShop v.1.7.4 Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.
PrestaShop is a free open source eCommerce solution. PrestaShop v.1.7.4 Payment Module Integration allows you to complete your Garanti BBVA Virtual POS installation quickly and easily.